!! 61 Lamb's Tongue Stew in Red Wine Combine all of the "First Stage" ingredients in a saucepan; cover with water and bring to a boil. Cook over medium heat until the tip of the tongue is tender, approximately 1 1/2-2 hours. Skim the top of the saucepan from time to time. When the tip of the tongue is tender, drain and let cool. When cool enough to handle, [make an incision through the skin along the center of the tongue. Carefully remove the skin.] Heat the olive oil in a saucepan. When the oil is hot, gently fry the tongue for 3-4 minutes. Add the "Second Stage" vegetables and sweat for 5 minutes. After the vegetables have been in the saucepan for 5 minutes, add half the wine and the capers. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper. Cover and simmer for 1 hour. If needed, add the rest of the wine, a little at a time. Serve the hot tongue and vegetables with rice, or cold with bread and mustard. !! 62 Ataïf - Pancakes Dissolve the yeast and the sugar in 1/2 cup of warm water and leave until it begins to bubble, approximately 10 minutes. Sift the flour into a bowl, add the yeast and mix. Slowly add the rest of the water while continuously mixing until a smooth batter forms. Set aside in a warm place for one hour. The batter will rise and become bubbly. While the batter is rising, prepare the atar syrup. Brush a non-stick frying pan with oil and place over medium heat until hot. Pour a small ladleful of batter into the pan. [When the pancake becomes bubbly and begins to loosen from the pan, flip it over.] Place the ata"f in a shallow dish and cover with cold atar syrup. !! 63 Ataïf Mihshi - Stuffed Pancakes Dissolve the yeast and the sugar in 1/4 of the warm water and leave until it begins to bubble, approximately 10 minutes. Sift the flour into a bowl, add the yeast and mix. Slowly add the rest of the water while continuously mixing until a smooth batter forms. Set aside in a warm place for one hour. The batter will rise and become bubbly. While the batter is rising: Prepare the atar syrup. Combine all of the nut stuffing ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Combine all of the cheese stuffing ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Brush a non-stick frying pan with oil and place over medium heat until very hot. Pour a small ladleful of batter into the pan and quickly spread the batter by tilting the pan around. Fry on one side only. One side must remain moist so the edges will stick together. When the pancake becomes bubbly and begins to separate from the pan, slide it onto a plate. Place 1-2 tsp of stuffing in the center of the ata"f. [Fold in half and pinch] the edges in order to seal the stuffing inside the pancake. Heat the oil until hot (395¡ F) and fry the ata"f for 2-3 minutes. Dip the hot ata"f in cold atar syrup and serve hot or cold. !! 64 Atar - Scented Syrup Dissolve the sugar in the water over medium heat. Add the lemon juice and lemon rind and boil until a syrup forms, approximately 15 minutes. Add the rose water, orange water or cinnamon stick and let cool. Chill until needed. !! 65 Kibbeh Bil Sanieh - Baked Stuffed Kibbeh in a Tray Prepare the kibbeh dough: Place the bulgur in a bowl, cover with cold water and leave for 3 minutes. Rinse the bulgur in a colander and immediately [squeeze out the excess water.] [Cut the meat into small cubes.] Place the bulgur in a food processor and work until smooth. Transfer to a bowl. Place the meat and onion in a food processor and work into a smooth paste. Combine the meat and bulgur in a bowl. Mix well. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper and then chill until needed. Prepare the stuffing: Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until soft and golden, approximately 8-10 minutes. Add the meat and fry, while stirring, until the meat changes color, approximately 4 minutes. Add the pine nuts, spices, salt and freshly ground pepper. Remove from the heat. Prepare the baked kibbeh: Preheat the oven to 350¡ F. Butter the baking dish. Divide the raw kibbeh in two and spread one half over the bottom of the dish. Spread the stuffing over the bottom layer and cover with the remaining raw kibbeh. Gently press down on the kibbeh and smooth. If desired, decorate the top layer. Brush with the rest of the melted butter and bake until golden brown, approximately 50 minutes. Baste the kibbeh with the chicken stock 3-4 times during baking. Serve with yogurt, tomatoes, lemon and parsley. !! 66 Yogurt Cheese - Labeneh Pour the yogurt into a bowl and mix in the salt. Place a double layer of muslin over the strainer and pour in the yogurt. [Gather up the corners of the muslin and tie tightly.] Hang over a bowl or the sink for at least 12 hours, preferably at night when it is cooler. After at least 12 hours, place the yogurt in a jar and store in the refrigerator. Spread on a plate and serve with olive oil and pita bread. !! 67 Labeneh Makbus - Yogurt Cheese Balls Pour the yogurt into a bowl and mix in the salt. Place a double layer of muslin over the strainer and pour in the yogurt. [Gather up the corners of the muslin and tie tightly.] Hang over a bowl or the sink for 24 hours. After 24 hours, shape the yogurt into small balls, place in a jar then cover with virgin olive oil. !! 68 Fattoush - Toasted Bread Salad Split the pita bread in half. Break into bite-sized pieces and then toast. Combine the cucumber, spring onion, parsley, mint leaves and arugula in a bowl. Mix. In a small jar, combine the garlic, lemon juice, salt, freshly ground pepper and sumac. Mix well. Pour the contents of the jar into the bowl and mix. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours. After 2 hours, add the tomatoes, lettuce and pita bread. Toss and serve at once. !! 69 Tabbuleh - Bulgar Salad Place the bulgur in a bowl, cover with cold water and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse the bulgur in a strainer and [squeeze out the excess water.] Put the bulgur in a bowl and add half of the lemon juice and half of the olive oil. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper and set aside for 30 minutes. Before serving, add the parsley, mint, spring onions, tomatoes and the remaining olive oil and lemon juice. Check seasoning and adjust if necessary. Serve on a bed of fresh young lettuce. !! 70 Kibbeh Stuffed with Lamb and Nuts Prepare the shell: Combine all of the shell ingredients in a food processor. Add 2-3 tbs of water, more if necessary, and work into a smooth dough. Prepare the stuffing: Heat the oil in a frying pan and sautŽ the onion until golden brown. Add the minced lamb and sautŽ for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the water and cook over medium heat until the liquid evaporates. Add the spices, salt, pepper, pine nuts and parsley and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool until lukewarm. When the mixture has cooled, fold in the yogurt and set aside. [Shape the dough into small balls, stuff with the meat and then mold into ovals.] Heat oil for deep frying (350¡ F). Fry the kibbeh until brown and crisp, approximately 4 minutes. Serve hot or at room temperature with lemon and tahini sauce. !! 71